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Background: Scaphoid fractures are common and account for 60-70 % of all carpal fractures. The objectives of this study were to determine the demographic and clinical profiles of adult patients with s ... Read More

Background: Deliberate self-poisoning is important cause of deaths in younger population. The objectives of this study were to determine the distribution of deliberate self-poisoning by 12 socio-demog ... Read More

Background: Stroke is a devastating public health problem worldwide, considered as the third leading cause of death in developed countries, and the leading cause of disability among adults. Deep vein ... Read More

Background: Academic failure adds extra pressure to emotional intelligence of students and this may lead to psychological disturbance. The objective of this study was to explore perception of students ... Read More

 ABSTRACTBackground: Escherichia coliresistance to ceftriaxone in UTIs is an emerging health problem.Our objectives were to determine prevalence, distribution and determinants of E. coliresistance to ... Read More

Obesity is called mother of diseases. The global epidemic of overweight and obesity is rapidly becoming a major public health problem in many parts of the world, including Pakistan. Like other develop ... Read More

BRCA1 gene is highly contributed gene developing the breast cancer especially in female. Breast cancer is most prevalent cancer in South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries an ... Read More

Background: Malaria is communicable disease that exists worldwide and is a cause of morbidity and mortality. Our objectives were to determine the prevalence and distribution of malaria by sex, age gro ... Read More

Background: Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) adversely affects the development of placenta and growth of fetus. The objectives of this study were to compare the placental diameter, placental thick ... Read More

Background: Donor selection is an important step for safe blood transfusion. The objectives of this study were to determine prevalence of blood donor deferral and its distribution by sex, type of defe ... Read More

Background: The women make half of population of Pakistan which should not be neglected in any case. The women of the country are kept backward in our culture, due to which they are unable to particip ... Read More

In 1910, Flexner report was published accusing the incompetent American, apprenticeship-based, medical education system. This system was producing low-grade physicians, with poor teaching and training ... Read More

Vitamin D exerts its well-known effects on bone health and calcium-phosphate homeostasis primarily through the vitamin D receptor signaling pathway. Vitamin D also has several extra-skeletal actions a ... Read More

Background: Drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) is the major cause of mortality worldwide. Our objectives were to determine the distribution of DR-TB by sex, age groups, occupation, province, division ... Read More

Background: Acute small intestinal obstruction (ASIO) is one of the commonest causes of emergency hospital admissions, morbidity and mortality. Intestinal tuberculosis (ITB) is common cause of ASIO in ... Read More

Background: Anti hypertensive drugs like “Nicorandil” require frequent dosing due to their shorter half-life. Such drugs are also pH sensitive, due to which greater portions of these drugs are degrade ... Read More

Background: The women from non-Muslim community of Karachi have to face several issues regarding their health. The objective of this study was to find out the issues regarding the women health in non- ... Read More

Background: Hoarding is a complex phenomenon that has received extensive attention in recent years. Most studies have been conducted in Western culture with few from other regions of world, which advo ... Read More


Ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN) is a term that describes the spectrum of abnormal growth of atypical squamous epithelial cells of the conjunctiva, cornea, and sclera. It is more common in peo ... Read More

Surfactant protein D (SP-D) is an important component of pulmonary innate immunity. It is mainly produced by type 2 alveolar and bronchial epithelial cells, but is also found in extra pulmonary tissue ... Read More

Background: Blood type or group of an individual is commonly determined by ABO & Rh status. ABO & Rh systems of blood grouping are based on the presence or absence of antibodies & antigens ... Read More

Background: Primary postpartum haemorrhage (PPPH) is the leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in low resource countries like Pakistan. The objectives of this study were to determine the f ... Read More

Background: Oral pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia (PEH) appears histologically similar to oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) in small oral biopsies, thus posing diagnostic dilemma. The objective of ... Read More

Background: FNAC is usually considered as a reliable, easily performed and inexpensive test for diagnosing palpable lesions of breasts with a high degree of accuracy. The objective of this study was t ... Read More

Background: Foreign body aspiration commonly occurs in young children and is associated with high degree of mortality and morbidity. The objectives of this study were to determine epidemiologic, clini ... Read More

Non-communicable diseases (NCDS) have risen to become a major menace to health worldwide. NCDs include cardiovascular, nervous, renal, mental, chronic lung diseases, permanent results of accidents, ar ... Read More