Phonetics and Phonemics are the branches of linguistics that comprises
the study of sound of human speech. We study the rules pertaining to the
procedure of the sounds and their classification, whereas, Phonology deals
with a particular language to determine its distinctive characteristics. There
is a general perception regarding Urdu language that in Urdu, research
work in phonetics and phonemics falls short of both quality and quantity,
while contrarily, Urdu, from its very beginning, contains the tradition of
phonetic and phonological research, however, books on phonetics and
phonology are found less in numbers.
The Proposed dissertation comprises the introduction of the Urdu
Articles written on phonetics and phonology in Pakistan.
فوزیہ اسلم. (2017) اردو میں صوتیاتی اور فونیمسیاتی تحقیق, Bazyaft, Vol 30- 31, Issue 1.
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